For the past 12 years, GBU Financial Life (GBU) has teamed up with community volunteers to pack and ship care packages to deployed USA troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Balanced Growth is excited to announce our Corporate Sponsorship to GBU’s Operation Reach Out, as a commitment to our client GBU, and in support of our troops by sponsoring 10 boxes.
Operation Reach Out’s goal for 2019 is to send 5,000 boxes in November. To achieve this goal they teamed up with Operation Troop Appreciation (OTP) in Pittsburgh. This great organization has offered use of their large facility to host the volunteers on Oct 25th & 26th to organize, pack and ship 5,000 boxes overseas!
Each care package sent to military personnel contain personal care and comfort items along with a personalized card, like the adorable one below created by Jason Bordui’s (BG President) daughter. Visit https://www.gbucares.org/ for more information.